
  • Why You Should Make a Muslin Before You Sew Your Fashion Garment

    Why You Should Make a Muslin Before You Sew Your Fashion Garment

    Why bother making a muslin? There are some strong opinions among home sewists for and against making a muslin. Some feel it is a waste of time, others wouldn’t make a garment without making one first. Impatience just might steal your glory if you want to sew a well-made garment and skip making a muslin.

    If you are contemplating whether you should make a muslin, follow along as we list eleven reasons why you should consider making them before you cut into your fashion fabric and what it can help you accomplish! 

  • What You Should Know Before You Make Your Muslin

    What You Should Know Before You Make Your Muslin

    Convinced you should make a muslin? Perhaps you're wondering just what is involved. Do you just sew a sample garment up and go from there or is there more to it? If you want to achieve good fit and enjoy sewing, here are a few tips and resources you will find helpful before you make your muslin.